
eulogize [ˈjuləˌdʒaɪz]

vt. 称赞,颂扬; 讴歌;
过去式:: eulogized 过去分词:: eulogized 现在分词:: eulogizing 第三人称单数:: eulogizes


  • I eulogize the tall and straight trunk of the white poplar.
  • I am not a poet, I can't use my beautiful poems to eulogize our school.
    我不是一个诗人, 我不能用我的美丽的诗歌颂我们的学校.
  • Why should we not eulogize the proletariat, the Communist Party, New Democracy and socialism?
    无产阶级, 共产党, 新民主主义,社会主义,为什么不应该歌颂 呢 ?