
epitaphs ['epɪtɑ:fs]

n. 墓志铭,纪念死者的文字( epitaph的名词复数 );


  • If I reprehend any thing in this world, it is the use of my oracular tongue, and a nice derangement of epitaphs!
  • Reading the epitaphs, our only salvation lies in resurrecting the dead and burying the living.
    念过许多墓志铭之后, 会想到我们(这个世界)的惟一获救之路就在于让死人统统复活而把活人统统埋葬.
  • In the way of writing, there all kinds of styles of epitaphs and his are grace.
    在写作方式上, 曾巩所创作的墓志铭不拘一格,因事设体,平中见奇,文采斐然.
  • These inscriptions can be divided into three categories : epitaphs, biographies and the others.
    这些碑传文可分为碑志文 、 状文和其他三类.
  • Left-handedness is hence a quality advertised in graffiti and epitaphs alike.
  • The music here is as melodically mellow as ever and the lyrical content a similar mixture of odes and epitaphs to love.