
ennui [ɑ:nˈwi:]

n. 厌倦,无聊;


  • She shared their expatriation, their convictions, their pastimes , their ennui.
    她与他们有共同的流亡国外的命运, 共同的信念, 共同的乐趣, 共同的苦闷.
  • Supper too I eat alone. I'm filled with ennui.
    晚饭还是我一人独吃, 我烦恼透了.
  • Since losing his job, he has often experienced a profound sense of ennui.
    他自从失业以来, 常觉百无聊赖.
  • Monroe, Lennon and Kennedy were spared the inevitable ennui.
  • He found me too negligible to bother to disguise his ennui.
    来自A. T. Ellis
  • Not because of administrative ennui, although there had been plenty.