
enhancers [en'hɑ:nsəz]

n. 增加者( enhancer的名词复数 ); 加强者; 提高者; 增强子;


  • Amino Acids, the components of protein, appear to act as performance enhancers.
    氨基酸, 蛋白质的组成成分, 具有促进表现作用.
  • Do you use any muscle enhancers?
    你使用任何健肌药 吗 ?
  • Sweetness increases palatability – sugar, molasses, etc. can be used as natural flavor enhancers.
    甜味可以增加适口性——糖 、 糖蜜等都可用作天然甜味剂.
  • Safe and effective cognitive enhancers will benefit both the individual and society.
  • Couldn't the author find any people who had ethical qualms with the idea of mental enhancers for the healthy?
  • Couldn't the author find any people who had ehtical qualms with the idea of mental enhancers for the healthy?