
enameling [ɪ'næməlɪŋ]

n. 上釉术,上釉药;
v. 涂瓷釉于,给…上瓷漆,给…上彩饰( enamel的现在分词 );


  • The fish scaling resistance of the ultra low carbon steel sheet for enameling has been studied.
  • The main products are respectively pulling machines , enameling machines and fiber cable equipment, telecommunication cable equipment.
    主要产品有拉丝机 、 漆包机、光纤电缆设备 、 通信电缆设备.
  • From now on the sky tilts, resemble giving the tile of furnace, by conflagration enameling.
    从此天空倾斜, 像出炉的瓦, 被大火烧蓝.