
elocution [ˌɛləˈkjuʃən]

n. 演说艺术; 朗诵法(指姿态,风度,口才等),发声法;


  • When I was 11 my mother sent me to elocution lessons.
  • He laid on some elocution lessons, to try to knock the edge off her country accent.
    他为她安排了几次演讲课, 帮助她克服乡下口音.
  • With every advantage of lungs and elocution, the effect is vapid.
    然而,扯着嗓子 、 扬顿挫地朗诵,其结果却是令听者兴味索然.
  • Vernon instructed them...in composition, literature, and 'elocution'.
    来自J. C. Oates
  • A Person of good Learning and Elocution.
    来自H. Neville
  • With the help of bursaries and some last-minute elocution lessons, she went up to Oxford in the autumn of that year.