
electroretinogram [ɪˌlektroʊ'retənəgræm]

n. 视网膜电图;


  • Objective To probe the possibility visual function of electroretinogram ( ERG ) maximum combined response for retinal vein occlusion ( RVO ).
    目的探讨视网膜电图 ( electroretinogram,ERG ) 的检测对视网膜静脉阻塞 ( retinalvein occlusion,RVO ) 视功能评价的可能性.
  • Objective To probe the possibility of electroretinogram ( ERG ) maximum combined response for typing branch retinal vein occlusion ( BRVO ).
    目的探讨根据视网膜电图 ( electroretinogram,ERG ) 对视网膜分支静脉阻塞 ( branchretinalveinocclusion, BRVO ) 分型的可能性.
  • The case was complicated with glaucoma and abnormalities of the electroretinogram.