
eidolon [aɪ'doʊlən]

n. 幻像,精灵,睡梦中的幻象;
复数:: eidolons eidola


  • She was the perennial eidolon, the clean pampered harlot.
    来自M. Renault
  • Actually, the little eidolon is always belong in every one's heart.
    其实, 每个人的心里都住着一个小小的精灵.
  • After many years, that guy , the chaste eidolon, lives in the music nation, unfetteredly!
    多少年后, 那个不食人间烟火的精灵, 在音乐国度里, 它逍遥快乐.
  • An Eidolon named Night On a black throne.
    来自E. A. Poe