
egf ['eɡf]

abbr. epidermal growth factor 表皮生长要素,表皮生长因子;


  • One is gastrin, which is made in the stomach, and the other is epidermal growth factor, or EGF, an all-purpose growth chemical.
  • Methods: The content of EGF in serum and urine was determined radioimmunoassay.
    方法: 应用放射免疫法分别检测血清及尿液中EGF含量.
  • Ingredients: Witch hazel extract, Vitamin B 6, EGF and tea tree essential oil etc.
    成份: 金缕梅精华, 维生素B6, EGF,茶树精油等.
  • Making matters worse, a lack of oxygen often then triggers EGF's production cycle.
    更糟糕的是, EGF的过度产生往往会陷入缺氧引起的恶性循环中.