
ees ['i:z]

释义 [医][=ectopic endocrine syndrome]异位内分泌综合征;


  • Ze graphic art ees now not good, and I haf to share thees studio.
  • However, EES also provides a Law Enforcement Access Field ( LEAF ).
    然而, EES也提供一个法律执行获取范围 ( LEAF ).
  • TRNSYS is able to execute EES at each time step to solve a set of equations.
    TRNSYS能够 在每一个时间步长运行EES来求解一组给定的方程.
  • Aim : To explore the clinical features of early epileptic seizures ( EES ) after cerebral infarction ( CI ).
    目的: 探讨脑梗死 ( CI ) 后早发性癫癎发作 ( EES ) 的临床特点.
  • Attached to each of these thousands of buoys - boo-ees, they call them here - is a pair of lobster traps.