
doyen [dɔɪˈɛn, ˈdɔɪən, dwɑˈjæŋ]

n. 老资格,老前辈,首席;
复数:: doyens


  • Arthur C Clarke is the doyen of science-fiction writers.
    阿瑟∙C. 克拉克是科幻小说作家中的老前辈。
  • Other, younger, coaches are influenced by Old Trafford's doyen.
  • Saintsbury had become generally accepted as the doyen of academic critics, the nearest thing to a Critic Laureate.
    来自J. Gross
  • Smuts was the doyen and the only one of us who had taken part in the conduct of the First World War.
    来自C. R. Attlee