
dnase [diˈɛnes]

n. 脱氧核糖核酸酶(亦称DNase);


  • The virus nuclease can be digested by DNase I , resist PvNase and S 1 Nuclease.
  • Conclusion: The declined DNase activity may make the concentration of AnuA elevate in SLE.
    结论: SLE患者中DNase的活性下降可能导致血清AnuA的浓度升高.
  • Partial correlations analysis indicated a positive correlation between anti - DNase B antibodies, TNF - α and the score of YGTSS.
    将抗DNA酶 B、 TNF- α与耶鲁抽动症整体严重度量表(YaleGlobalTicSeverity Scale, YGTSS) 评分进行偏相关分析,结果表明抗DNA酶B 、 TNF-α与YGTSS评分 间呈正相关.