
disrelish [dɪs'relɪʃ]

n.& vt. 讨厌,嫌恶;


  • In filth, decay and disrelish the leg less man lay kneeling.
    肮脏 、 腐败、丑陋的断腿人跪着爬行.
  • Small B ( pen ) up to look, feel, lick, disrelish Mao Bushun!
    小B ( 笔 ) 翻出来看, 摸摸, 舔舔, 嫌毛不顺!
  • Sina and technology: Is at present main difficulty they disrelish the price too low?
    新浪科技: 目前主要困难是他们嫌价格太低?