
discomfortable [dɪs'kʌmfətəbəl]

adj. 不安的,不适的;
[反义词] 不舒服的: comfortable


  • One after another of his scouts arrived, each brought him more discomfortable news.
    接二连三回来的探子, 都给他带来了更使人烦恼的消息.
  • A : You're welcome . I know everyone of us will feel discomfortable when we're loose end.
    别客气, 我知道一个人无事可干的时候很不舒服.
  • Most of patients have aridity of nasal mucosa, burning pain, discomfortable symptom of respiratory channel.
    患者多感有鼻黏膜干燥 、 灼痛 、 呼吸道不适等症状.
  • I've felt discomfortable about this in the past.