
disabuse [ˌdɪsəˈbjuz]

vt. 去除…的错误想法; 使醒悟;
过去式:: disabused 过去分词:: disabused 现在分词:: disabusing 第三人称单数:: disabuses


  • I must disabuse you of your feelings of grandeur.
  • Their view of country people was that they like to please strangers. I did not disabuse them of this notion.
  • I would like to disabuse your mind of the idea that your cousin has a feeling of hostility to you. On the contrary he spoke to me in the most friendly terms of you.
    我想消除你以为你的堂兄对你有敌意的误会. 相反,他跟我说到你时,是以最友善的口吻说的.
  • I do not disabuse them of this charming notion.
    来自P. Ackroyd
  • He now perceived himself to be the most powerful man in English cricket, the notion of which his advisers did not disabuse him.
  • But he doesn't disabuse the spooked woman, allowing her to cleave to her consoling fiction.