

n. 绕行的路( detour的名词复数 ); 绕道,兜圈子;
v. 绕道( detour的第三人称单数 );


  • But these detours aren't enough to rescue proceedings.
  • Local wars and bandits often blocked their travel, making countless detours necessary.
    内战和盗匪也常阻挡他们前进, 迫使他们绕了无数弯路.
  • Could it be that all these detours had brought them to Moshi Pass?
    难道绕来绕去,绕到磨石口来了 吗 ?
  • In roundabout conversations, full of traps and detours, one man would probe another's views.
    在拐弯抹角的交谈中, 互相套对方的想法,又给自己留后路,以防万一.
  • The best anatomists...did not find the truth except after many detours.
    来自G. Sarton
  • They make wide detours to avoid the spot where he stands.
    来自E. O