

n. (用作称呼)亲爱的( darling的名词复数 ); 心爱的人; 倍受宠爱的人; 亲切友好的的人;


  • In two more days the " little darlings " would spin their cocoons.
    再得两天, “ 宝宝 ” 可以上山.
  • No one could guess how much the " little darlings " would eat before they spun their cocoons.
    谁也料得到这些 “ 宝宝 ” 上山前还得吃多少叶.
  • Lotus had only taken a handful and the remaining " little darlings " were all in good condition.
    他看那些 “ 宝宝 ”,都是好好的.
  • Her London assignment...with the newest darlings of the rock subculture.
    来自L. Gould
  • His rhetoric, rife with sweethearts and darlings.
    来自C. Easton
  • The former darlings of fund investors have fallen from favour in recent months.