
culm [kʌlm]

n. 草秆; 茎; 竹茎; 灰煤;


  • Accordingly, modern Korean rice varieties have shorter and stiffer culm characters.
    结果, 现代韩国水稻品种具有禾茎短硬的特点.
  • Comparison of the water potentials of leaf , sheath and culm has done.
    对春小麦叶鞘 、 叶片和茎水势的变化情况进行了比较.
  • The culm, handle, flower, root and pericarp of banana have very high medical value.
    香蕉的茎 、 柄 、 花 、 根、果皮具有较高的医疗价值.
  • Down in the flat bottom of the Culm Valley the River Culm chuckled over rapids in its red earth bed.