

abbr. California Trial Lawyers Association 加利福尼亚审判律师协会; Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers 树木与风景评估者委员会; cytolytic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 溶细胞性T淋巴细胞相关抗原;


  • Methods: The kidney of SD rats were transfected with CTLA 4 - Ig gene - recombined adenovirus.
    方法以CTLA4 -Ig 基因重组腺病毒为载体,将 CTLA4 -Ig 基因局部转染入SD大鼠肾脏.
  • MiceimmunizedwithpCTLA 2 - HEVE 2 producedhighlevelsof specificanti - HEVE 2 totalIgGtiterswithIgG 2 a , IgG 2 band IgG 1 subclassespredominantintheserum, approximately 50 - to 100 - foldhigherthanthoseinmiceimmunizedwithpHEVE 2, whoseserumcontainedpredom
    pCTLA4 -HEVE2诱导高水平的IgG2a 、 IgG2bTh1型抗体和IgG1Th2型抗体应答, pHEVE2则以IgG1Th2型抗体应答为主. 结论CTLA4-HEVE2嵌合DNA疫苗 有效地增强动物对 HEVE2 抗原的免疫应答, 为进一步研究抗原靶向性的嵌合DNA疫苗奠定基础.