

abbr. Committee on Regular Officer Training 合格官员培训委员会;


  • Comparable to it , perhaps , is only Corot's " Farmland " in painting, and Chopin's " Nocturne " in music.
    论画, 可比的许只有柯罗( Corot )的田野;论音乐,可比的许只有萧班( Chopin )的夜曲.
  • The forerunners of ImpressionismsDelacroix, Courbet, Corot and, especially, Turner and Constable.
    来自M. Meyer
  • Dr Mayor told the meeting that the French mission , CoRoT, has now found 80 exoplanets.
    梅尔博士在会议中称,法国的 CoRoT 号任务目前已经发现了80个外行星.
  • Corot : French painter noted for his sketches of Italian landscapes.
    柯罗: 法国画家,因其意大利陆上风景素描而著名.
  • Since its launch in 2006, CoRoT has detected several hundred candidate planet-hosting stars.
  • Corot, of course, was one of the first artists to convince us that directly painted works were complete.