
consecrate [ˈkɑ:nsɪkreɪt]

vt. 把…奉为神圣,给…祝圣; 奉献,献祭; 使就圣职; 举行圣体礼使;
adj. 神圣的; 被献给神的;
过去式:: consecrated 过去分词:: consecrated 现在分词:: consecrating 第三人称单数:: consecrates
[同义词] 奉献,献身: give devote assign promise dedicate apply pledge commit vow
[同义词] 把...奉为神圣,尊奉: glorify honour celebrate bow extol exalt praise down esteem revere venerate laud to
[反义词] 奉献;使神圣: desecrate


  • If the consecrated bread or wine be all spent...the Priest is to consecrate more.
    来自Book of Common Prayer
  • Anoint the basin and its stand and consecrate them.
  • What experience does is merely to confirm and consecrate our confident dream.
  • Consecrate them in the truth. Your word is truth.
    求你以真理祝圣他们, 你的话就是真理.
  • The Catholic Church teaches that God entered history to redeem and consecrate it.
  • Thou...shalt annoint them, and consecrate them...that they may minister vnto mee in the Priests office.
    来自Bible (AV): Exodus