
connote [kəˈnoʊt]

vt. 隐含,暗示,意味着;
过去式:: connoted 过去分词:: connoted 现在分词:: connoting 第三人称单数:: connotes


  • But does not necessarily connote dishonesty, insincerity, or trickery.
    有可能——但是并不必然地——意味着不诚实, 不诚心或欺骗.
  • The word " food " may connote " greed ".
    “ food ” 这个词可以含有 “ 贪婪 ” 的意思.
  • The term " program " is not intended to connote complete rigidyty.
    “ 程序 ” 这个词不含有完全定型的意思.
  • Let me remind you that words such as mistake' connote negativity in human language.