
congee ['kɒndʒi:]

vi. 告别,鞠躬;
n. 粥;
过去式:: congeed 过去分词:: congeed 现在分词:: congeeing 第三人称单数:: congees


  • Spindle - shanks is anxiously watching a pan of congee , till the smoke makes her start coughing violently.
    “芦柴棒”着急地要将大锅子里的稀饭烧滚, 但是倒冒出来的青烟引起了她一阵猛烈的咳嗽.
  • It is OK that't congee of gram Job's tears add candy?
    可以不加,不过不好吃,加蜂蜜比较不错,营养好,而且作用加大薏米绿豆粥不加糖可以 吗 ?
  • To cure halitosis, add litchi to congee and simmer.
    要治口臭症, 荔枝与粥炖.
  • If you are a Westerner, would you consider trying congee or grilled fish for breakfast?
  • Soon bowls of cooked food came our way, including some spicy mystery meat, which lent the congee a strong, vibrant taste.
  • Participating Starwood hotels will add congee, rice, noodles and other common Chinese staples to restaurant menus.