
cenote [sɪ'noʊtɪ]

n. 沼穴,洞状陷穴(尤指墨西哥尤加坦半岛的灰岩坑); 竖井;


  • Fleeting glimpse of an old man with his burro laden with plastic milk containers filled from some secret cenote.
  • The Maya believed natural wells, as the Xkeken cenote in Mexico's Yucat á n, led to the underworld.
    玛雅人相信, 诸如墨西哥尤卡坦半岛上的斯科肯石灰岩坑之类的天然深井是通向地狱的.
  • The Maya believed natural wells, as the Xkeken cenote in Mexico's Yucatan, led to the underworld.
    玛雅人认为天然井, 例如在墨西哥的尤卡坦导致黑社会, Xkeken灰岩.