
cay [keɪ]

n. 礁岩,珊瑚礁,沙洲; 小礁岛; 悬猴; 沙礁;


  • A low offshore island or reef, especially in the Gulf of Mexico; a cay.
    (尤指墨西哥湾内)海岸以外的低岛或礁; 珊瑚礁.
  • YES ! No person deserves me tears and who deserves them won't make me cay.
    是 啊 !没有人值得我流泪,值得我流泪的人是不会让我哭的.
  • Location is somewhere on a small private island north - west of nassau ( Chub Cay ).
    位置上的某个地方一个小型私人岛屿 西北部 拿骚 ( 鲢鱼礁 ).
  • The Pandora survivors managed to climb aboard tenders and reach the safety of a sand cay.
  • Knowing this, the researchers decided to dramatically change the available hermit crab real estate on Carrie Bow Cay.
  • Neighboring Chub Cay has a resort, a marina, restaurants and an airstrip with flights to Fort Lauderdale, Fla., four days a week.