
camorra [kəˈmɔrə, -ˈmɑrə]

n. 克莫拉(1820年前后在意大利那不勒斯组成的一个秘密团体,一度发展成颇有势力的政治组织,后因从事诈骗、抢劫等非法恐怖活动而被取缔(1911)),(克莫拉式的)秘密组织;


  • Nunzio is the brother of the Camorra ( Neapolitan Mafia ) turncoat Luigi Giuliano .
    据报道, 农西奥·朱利亚诺 是那不勒斯黑手党 卡莫拉 的重要头目.
  • In Campania, stronghold of the Camorra syndicate, a firefighting helicopter was shot at on August 6 th.
    在克莫拉式秘密垄断组织的据点坎帕尼亚, 一架救火直升机于8月6日被击落.
  • Camorra . a Neapolitan secret society organized about 1820, notorious for practicing violence and blackmail.
    卡莫拉秘密组织:1820年左右组建的一个那不勒斯人秘密组织, 以实行暴力和敲诈而臭名昭著.
  • As businesses close it is the Camorra with its cash that grows in influence.
  • One of these secret societies, the Mafia, or the Camorra...is on their track.
    来自A. Christie
  • It's worse than Scampia, the most dangerous Naples slum, which is infested by the Camorra, the Neapolitan mafia.