
byname [ˈbaɪˌnem]

n. 诨名,别名,绰号;


  • From now on, I won't nickname others, and try call their original name instead of byname.
    即日起.我不给别人取外号了, 而且也不叫人家外号,叫人家本名就好啦.
  • Meanwhile, tonight's moon isn't the official Harvest Moon, although many will call it byname.
    届时, 虽然很多人会称她为丰收之月, 但今晚的满月并不是真正意义上的满月.
  • Shen Chong whose byname is Shen Kegang was born in Huangmei county , Hubei province in 1915.
    沈重,又名沈克刚, 湖北黄梅人,一九一五年生.