
bungle [ˈbʌŋɡəl]

vt.& vi. 搞糟,完不成; 笨手笨脚地做,拙劣地工作;
n. 拙劣的工作; 粗制滥造; 失败;
vt. 搞糟,搞坏; 完不成; 笨手笨脚地做;
复数:: bungles 过去式:: bungled 过去分词:: bungled 现在分词:: bungling 第三人称单数:: bungles
[同义词] 拙劣地工作: cobble muff botch


  • Care to avoid bungle by haste and lack of strategy.
    来自N. Gordimer
  • Through some bungle the courier...had missed them on the road.
    来自E. Longford
  • If you bungle a job, you must do it again!
    要是你把一件事搞糟了, 你得重做!
  • That last stupid bungle of his is the end.
  • Don't let him mend your bike. He's sure to bungle the job.
    别让他修理你的自行车. 他肯定会弄得一团糟的.
  • How'd he bungle it when he killed himself?