
bubo [ˈbju:boʊ]

n. 腹股沟腺炎;
复数:: buboes


  • Regionai lymphadenitis ( bubonic plague ); Septicemia without an evident bubo ( septicemic plague )
    局部淋巴腺炎 ( 腺鼠疫 ); 没有明显淋巴腺炎的败血症(败血症型鼠疫 )
  • This is known as a bubo - hence the alternative name for the disease of bubonic plague.
  • According to the doctor's diagnosis, he has the symptoms of bubo.
    经医生诊断, 他的症状是横痃.
  • Prices up and up in recent years, before the housing bubo bubble boost burst.
    这几年, 在房屋泡沫经济爆炸前,价格不断上涨.