
brute [brut]

n. 畜生,兽; 残暴的人; 兽性;
adj. 残忍的; 畜生的,动物的; 无理性的;
复数:: brutes
[同义词] 乡巴佬: devil swine demon boor carl dolt rustic lout clod oaf churl
[同义词] 兽,畜牲: beast animal creature
[反义词] 残忍的;淫荡的: Christian


  • Boxing is a test of skill and technique, rather than brute strength.
  • The burly brute swaggered forward, towering over me, and shouted.
  • Custer was an idiot and a brute and he deserved his fate.
  • To degrade human-kind to a level with brute beasts.
    来自G. Berkeley
  • Destined to glut the ravenous maw of that detestable man-brute.
    来自N. Hawthorne
  • The lake-dwellers succeeded in taming that formidable brute.
    来自C. Lyell