
bornite ['bɔ:naɪt]

n. 斑铜矿;


  • Cover Story: Dense disseminated bornite in wollastonite skarn ore.
    封面故事: 硅灰石矿石中的稠密浸染状斑铜矿.
  • In addition to the natural copper and malachite, there are chalcopyrite, bornite , Hui copper, bronze, etc.
    除自然铜和孔雀石之外, 还有黄铜矿 、 斑铜矿 、 辉铜矿 、 铜蓝和黝铜矿等.
  • The main copper minerals are malachite, chrysocolla, little chalcopyrite, chalcosine and even little bornite and covellite.
    矿石主要含铜矿物为孔雀石 、 硅孔雀石, 少量的黄铜矿 、 辉铜矿及极少量的斑铜矿和铜蓝等.