

abbr. bomber 轰炸机;


  • In propels BMR and ERP in order to achieve Intergration Marketing, Powerful Product, and Technical Progress.
    在这个不断进取的过程中,公司采用了BMR和ERP系统以达到开拓市场 、 增强品质, 并取得技术进步的目的.
  • BMR is influenced by menstrual cycles, shows a slight premenstrual rise and a 7.2 % menstrual depression.
    BMR受月经周期影响, 月经期比月经前下降7.2%.
  • Also, the basal metabolic rate ( BMR ) of each child was determined with open circuit indirect calorimetry.
    同时用开放式间接测热法检测了他们的基础代谢率 ( BMR ).
  • In its reports, BMR looks at these topics, among others: -- Is Cree's new product line a game changer?