
beasts ['bi:sts]

n. 兽( beast的名词复数 ); 讨厌的人; 讨厌的人(或事物); (某种)东西;


  • There were dangerous beasts in the river that might gobble you up.
  • They...were pitted like beasts, tumbled into the graue.
    来自T. Granger
  • Shying quick stones to keep the beasts in line.
    来自P. Matthiessen
  • He cowed them with his hard eyes like a tamer among beasts.
  • Lawless beasts! You'll never get even half a word out of me!
    伤天害理的畜牲! 你们从我口里半个字也掏不出来!
  • The beasts were glutting themselves on dew and grass.
    来自P. V. White