
awacs [ˈewæks]

abbr. Airborne Warning and Control System 机载报警与控制系统;


  • Development of an antiradiation SAM, most likely intended to target AWACS aircraft and standoff jamming platforms.
    研发一种反辐射面对空导弹, 最有可能是针对AWACS飞机和抵销型干扰平台.
  • Eventually, the Chinese began outfitting a Boeing 737 - 800 airliner as an AWACS aircraft.
    最后, 中国开始配备一架波音 737-800 客机当作一架AWACS飞机.
  • AWACS Thunderhead Enemy ships are firing towards Sand Island. Stop them.
    敌舰向沙鸟射击. 阻止他们.