
avant-courier ['ævɒntk'ʊrɪr]

n. 先驱,前卫,先锋;


  • I prefer classical art as opposed to the avant-guardism.
  • For this particular order, the courier was Yodel.
  • Through some bungle the courier...had missed them on the road.
    来自E. Longford
  • Currently , works by avant - courier architects are verifying the rule.
    事实表明, 当代西方 前卫 建筑师作品风格的不定形,证明了这一历史经验.
  • The entrepreneur of eye avant - courier has been her lock surely in eye shot.
    眼光 前卫 的企业家已经将她锁定在视野之中.
  • They represented fashion and avant - courier and were popular with both men and women.
    这时候,“的确良”和喇叭裤如一股清风闯进人们的生活,代表着时髦和 前卫,男女都穿.