
asp [æsp]

n. 白杨,(非洲,阿拉伯和欧洲的)角蝰(一种毒蛇);
abbr. Active Server Page的缩写,意为“动态服务器页面。;


  • RGD is composed of three amino acids, arginine ( Arg ), glycine ( Gly ) and aspartic acid ( Asp ).
    RGD是 由精氨酸 ( Arg ) 、 甘氨酸 ( Gly ) 、天冬氨酸 ( Asp ) 三个氨基酸组成的序列肽, 是近几年来发现的具有生物活性的短肽序列之一.
  • Did I mention my paper on the asp caterpillar?
  • See how the ASP file will be returned from the server.
    看看从服务器返回的ASP文件 里有些什么.
  • Q : Any final words of wisdom for ASP members?
    最后有什么给ASP成员的忠告 吗 ?
  • It is claimed that the suicidal queen kissed asp for a final time on the site of what's now the Cecil Hotel.
  • So Eagleman, by way of reply, spent the next few years rounding up every known case report of asp-caterpillar envenomation.