By 1983, TCP was the standard and ARPANET began to resemble the modern Internet in many respects.
The first - ever computer - to - computer link is established on ARPANET, the precursor to the Internet.
In 1969, U . S Defense Department setup a computer network named ARPANET for the military purpose.
1969年美国国防部高级计划局出于军事目的组建了一个名叫ARPANET的 局域网,这是世界上最早的计算机网络了, 当时连接在ARPANET上 的计算机只有4台.
Based on the same technology as ARPAnet , the sites were physically linked by special phone lines.
基于ARPAnet相关的技术, 各个站点是通过专用电话线连接起来的.
It would later form the basis of the academic network Arpanet which eventually led to the internet.