
armorial [ɑ:rˈmɔ:riəl]

adj. 盾形徽章的;


  • Many were vain enough to have these armorial crests...but Sir Lancelot always contented himself with a bare helmet.
    来自T. H. White
  • Letters came, with armorial seals upon them, though of bearings unknown to English heraldry.
    寄来的信件上印有纹章, 不过那是英格兰家系上所没有记载的.
  • For him who understands how to decipher them , armorial bearings are algebra, armorial bearings have a tongue.
    对于擅长破译纹章的人来说, 纹章始终是一个难解之谜,纹章是一种难懂的语言.
  • The red ensign flown directly above the blue ensign with Hong Kong armorial bearings.
  • Drawbridge entrances will lead into its lobby and corridor and armorial subjects will illuminate the vaulted ceiling.