
antifeedant [æntɪfi:'dænt]

n. 拒食素(一种能使食植物的昆虫产生拒食现象的化学物质);


  • The essential oil showed strong non - selective antifeedant and oviposition effect, but the persistence was not good.
    龙柏精油对小菜蛾具有较强的 非 选择性拒食作用和产卵忌避作用, 但由于精油的挥发性效果不持久.
  • This review deals with natural products possessing antifeedant and insecticidal properties from botanical origin recently.
  • In no - choice test, the sequences of antifeedant effect were aether & gt ; alcohol & gt ; petroleum ester & gt ; chloroform extracts.
    在 非 选择性条件时, 乙醚 提取物的拒食作用最强, 其次分别为乙醇 和 石油醚提取物, 氯仿提取物的拒食作用最低.