
animistic [ˌænɪ'mɪstɪk]

adj. 万物有灵论的;


  • Anthropologist...Lienhardt describes the animistic understanding of the Dinka tribe.
    来自A. Dillard
  • In the old animistic world view, people believed that nature was organised by invisible souls.
  • The Uktena tribe is composed of animistic ( some would say primitive ) peoples from throughout the world.
    TheUktena部族是由世界上的泛灵信徒 ( 有些人会说就是原始人 ) 组成的.
  • Werewolves have an animistic view of creation, believing that spirits lurk behind everything around them.
    狼人对世界持万物有灵论的观念, 相信他们身边的一切背后都藏着灵魂.
  • Pines are sacred in Japan's animistic native religion and can be worshipped as spirits.