
ana ['ænə]

n. (关于某人的)轶事; 闲话; 文坛杂闻; 语录;


  • Air movement remained breezy at best rather than forming the gusty Santa Ana winds linked to destructive wildfires.
  • Objective : To investigate the feature of antinuclear antibodies ( ANA ) negative systemic lupus erythematosus ( SLE ).
    目的: 探讨抗核抗体 ( ANA ) 阴性的系统性红斑狼疮 ( SLE ) 的特点.
  • What's up with Pasadena, Pomona, Santa Ana and all that?
    帕萨迪纳市, 波莫纳, 圣安娜和其他地方 怎么样 ?
  • Laboratory examination, anemia 45.7 %, decreased C 3 complement 77.1 %, ANA 85.7 %, anti - dsDNA 51.4 %.
    实验室检查以贫血(45.7%) 、 补体C3下降(77.1%) 、 抗核抗体(ANA) 阳性(85.7%) 、 抗 ds-DNA阳性(51.4%)常见.
  • We flew on a mission with the ANA, dropping relief supplies from the air near Sukkur.
  • At ANA, Wakasa was named to the top spot in 1971 after a stint as a vice minister at the Ministry of Transport.