
alg ['ælɡ]

abbr. antilymphocyte globulin 抗淋巴球球蛋白(ALG); along 向前; algae 藻类; algebraic 代数的;


  • These ALGs include DNS - ALG, FTP - ALG , SIP - ALG and so on.
    现在常用的应用层网关包括DNS -ALG 、 FTP -ALG 和SIP -ALG 等.
  • ALG 、 Media Proxy 、 STUN 、 Middlebox and so on are the current solutions.
    现有的解决方案有ALG、MediaProxy、STUN、 Middlebox等.
  • Side effect of ALG: 2 had serum sickness, 1 died of cerebral hemorrhage.
    ALG不良反应: 2例血清病, 1例脑出血死亡.
  • Hyundai and Kia have done the same, says Eric Lyman, the director of residual values for automotive analysis firm ALG.