
adventitious [ˌædvɛnˈtɪʃəs, -vən-]

adj. 偶然的; 外来的; 偶生的; 后天的;


  • The strike was broken , of course, but mainly by a series of adventitious developments.
    罢工是中断了, 但主要还是由于发生了一系列意外事件.
  • The adventitious root is triarch, and has the secondary structure.
    不定根为三原型, 具次生结构.
  • Stem erect or floating, elongate, 5 - angled, nodes often with adventitious roots.
    茎直立或漂浮, 拉长, 5具角, 节通常具不定根的.
  • In the Banyan tree adventitious roots are frequently developed on the outstretched woody branches.
    来自A. Henfrey