
adjutant [ˈædʒətənt]

n. 助手; 助理; 副官; 辅助的东西;
复数:: adjutants


  • I'm going out myself with the adjutant to recce training areas.
  • Outside the sergeant - adjutant knelt down beside me where I lay, " Name? " he asked softly.
    到了外边,军曹副官跪在我的身边, “ 贵姓? ” 他轻轻地问.
  • Also did not take adjutant, did the general leave alone so?
    也没带副官, 将军就这样只身离去了?
  • The Drill-Adjutant, approaching...to learn why one squad was delayed in dismissal.
    来自T. E. Lawrence