We provide various services for individual, Corporation including C and S corp., and partnerships. Preparation of quarterly and year end payroll reports. Provide year end 1099 Misc and W-2 Forms. Charge is reasonable and acceptable. Welcome to send us email: JTJtaxservices@gmail.com
You also can call us for more information347-259-7552;917-792-9083. (please call after 6pm or weekend)
我们有多年的簿记经验,为广大客户提供包括个人,公司多种报税服务。我们还做季度和年底的工资税收服务,提供年底做1099 MISC和W-2的表格服务。所有服务价格优惠,绝对在您可以接受的范围内。如果您有需要,欢迎发邮件给我们。邮箱地址为 JTJtaxservices@gmail.com