「干净世界」设展位  配合纽约「全国打击犯罪夜」活动

23-08-03 」也在紐約市曼哈頓下東城( Lower East Side )、布朗士聯合港( Uniport )、皇后區長島市( Long Island City )、洛克威海灘( Rockaway Beach...

春光明媚 落英缤纷 赏樱好时节

23-04-19 花園(Conservatory Garden),位於:East Side from 104th to 106th Street。◎奧納西斯水庫(The Reservoir),位於:85th Street...

拜登访问纽约 为哈德逊河隧道项目提供数百万美元联邦资助

23-02-02 拜登總統於1月31日在紐約市west side yard 就哈德遜河隧道項目發表演講。(Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)【看中国讯】据路透社报导,拜登总统1月31日...


23-01-06 溜冰場( Central Park Wollman Rink )。地點: 830 5th Ave (東面62與63街之間East Side between 62nd and 63rd Streets...


22-12-01 。另外,精彩的現場音樂表演、兒童手藝工作坊與暖氣站,也可令您不懼寒冬在此渡過快樂的一天!時間:至12月24日(週六)。地點:聯合廣場公園南部(Union Square Park,Southern Side...

泽西市购入自由港渡轮码头 通勤族去曼岛交通选择更多

22-06-30 貼來增加乘客人數,以便於格林維爾(Greenville)和西城(West Side)社區的更多民眾搭乘。富洛普表示:“過去數年中,我們一直致力於擴大民眾的通勤選擇,現在買下碼頭是又一項新的舉措,通過...

Google今年投资纽约业务$ 23亿

22-04-22 ),預計未來幾年內,會讓谷歌在紐約大加招聘就業員工,從而使紐約的就業人數增加至1.4萬人。紐約市57號碼頭,始建於1952年,位於曼哈頓西15街和西側高速公路( West Side Highway )旁邊...


22-04-22 ,稱布魯克林地鐵槍擊案嫌疑人在位於Lowest East Side和East Village的Sixth St.和First Ave第九區的一家麥當勞。警察隨即聯繫了麥當勞,稱沒有看到他,並開始在該地區...

春意盎然 落英缤纷 赏樱好去处

22-04-15 ( Conservatory Garden ),位於: East Side from 104th to 106th Street 。◎奧納西斯水庫( The Reservoir ) ,位於: 85th Street to...


21-11-25 在此渡过快乐的一天!时间:至12月24日(周五),感恩节不营业。地点:联合广场公园南部(Union Square Park, Southern Side)。地址:Broadway To 4 Ave....


21-10-21 ),每周日上午9:30~12:00。地点:下东城高中(Lower East Side Preparatory High School)。地址:华埠史坦登街145号(145 Stanton St....


21-09-18 (Flickr-CC-BY-SA-2.0)【看中国纽约讯】9月19日(周日),法拉盛纽约市议员顾雅明(Peter Koo)将与下东城生态中心(LOWER EAST SIDE ECOLOGY...


21-07-22 :$19万6625、房屋平均价:$87万6300、房租平均价:$3501。一流的公立学校有:惠特利学校(Wheatley School,A+)、北部学校(North Side School ,A+...

大好春日 赏樱花去!

21-04-09 (Conservatory Garden),位于:East Side from 104th to 106th Street。◎奥纳西斯水库(The Reservoir),位于:85th Street to 96th...


20-11-27 Terminal)。4、曼哈顿:12月3日、12月10日。地点:South side of Delancey St. and Lewis St. (DOT Yard)。5、史坦顿岛:12月4日、12月11日。地点...


16-12-30 到下东城」 (The Jewish Ghetto in Postcards:?From Eastern Europe to the Lower East Side),除了50张珍贵的明信片,还有文字介绍...

德系操控,谁与争锋?2017款Subaru Forester

16-12-17 indicator in each side mirror if it senses a vehicle in your blind spots. Rear Cross-Traffic Alert helps...

Encourage People to be Kindhearted And to Reject Immoral Customs (2 of 2)

16-12-12 (ancient monetary unit). He moved it to the side of the road and hid it in a patch of grass. He sat there...

居家生活好帮手 2017 Honda CR-V

16-12-12 with SmartVent® front side airbags and side curtain airbags with rollover sensor. Remember, though...

2017 Mercedes-Benz GLS 绝对的王者睥睨

16-12-06 one for slick surfaces.Easy to enter, even nicer to stayLarge side doors and innovative EASY-ENTRY...

Women Continue to Face Coercion, Crippling Fines Under Two-Child Policy

16-12-04 pregnancy was threatened with job loss if she failed to abort.Recently, some courts have begun to side with...

明日智 今日能 2017 Mercedes-Benz E300

16-11-28 into the side profile. It all culminates in muscular rear shoulders and glistening LED taillamps.2.0L...

纯粹越野情怀 2017 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited              

16-11-14 front airbags and available supplemental side airbags with sensor detection. Additional features include...

News of an Official's Virtuous Rule Travels Far and Wide

16-11-13 people who have erred and strayed from the righteous path to the wrong side by being judgmental and...

伯爵全新Sunny Side of Life高级珠宝腕表

16-10-18 与姿采。活力充沛的棕榈泉,与该系列的灵感源泉好莱坞相去不远。Sunny Side of Life系列为这片晴空下的梦幻国度呈献140件珍稀宝藏,从不同角度将生命演绎成一场派对,以乐观信念延续骄阳遍洒...


16-10-11 小时候最令人头痛的就是要算数学了,有好多好多的公式要背,尽管老师努力解释其中之道理,有时还是听得雾煞煞,真希望有简单好记的小撇步喔!这次国外网站Bright Side就汇集了9招算数小伎俩...

Suffering Insults Modestly and Attaching Importance to the Bigger Picture

16-10-10 ;s staff, said to him, "As a soldier I will serve at your side with my sword in hand. If...


16-10-03 Side Ecology Center),联系电话:212-477-4022(英文),网址:lesecologycenter.org。...

Past Deeds Determine Today's Experiences 欲知未来事 今生做者是

16-09-26 the side door of the fabric store. As the raging fire reached their home, the family of three shouted...

2017款奥迪Q7 无处不在的科技体验  The Audi Q7 It’s not lonely at the top

16-09-19 onto its intended course. The system works with the Audi side assist system to help steer your vehicle...

丐妇效孝 Beggar Lady Imitates Filial Piety

16-09-19 toward her mother-in-law. Once she was so starved that she fell on the side of the street, but she firmly...

美国人逛超市 最爱买和最不爱买的10样东西

16-09-17 人在超市购买量增长最快的10种商品:1、手电筒销售增长:33.19%销售量:4610万2、冷冻小菜(Frozen side dishes)销售增长:21.37%销售量:1.052亿3、化妆品-工具销售...


16-09-08 6 (Upper West Side),电话:(212) 721-6023;  AMC Village 7 (East Village),电话:(212) 982-2116;AMC Loews Lincoln...


16-09-08 【看中国纽约工商讯】金秋九月,学子们纷纷兴奋迎接新学年的开始。而对于下东城高中(Lower East Side Preparatory High School)新任校长阿那亚(Rene Anaya...

Secret NYC

16-09-06 way over to the western side of the building on 6th Avenue, you will find a plexiglass tunnel that...


16-09-04 line of sight at all times. Side and top view cameras give you a bird’s-eye perspective of the area...


15-09-07 :艾德•斯克林,雷•史蒂文森。网站:http://www.thetransporterrefueled.com/。2、上西城集会West Side County Fair孩子们可尽情流连于嘉年华游乐园...

电子垃圾 节后回收近3卡车

15-01-22 【看中国纽约讯】近期,皇后区植物园联合纽约下东城生态中心(Lower East Side Ecology Center),举办节后电子垃圾回收活动,回收近3卡车电子垃圾,获超过500名民众的积极响应...

纽约近期活动看板 460‘

14-12-18 :圣约翰大教堂(Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine)。  地址:1047 Amsterdam Ave, Upper West Side, New York。  交通...


14-12-04 。    地址:Central Park South,Upper West Side,New York。    交通:地鐵A、B、C、D、1線59街-哥倫布環形廣場(Columbus Circle)。    電話...