
23-08-31 宣布:美國華裔傳統基金會(Chinese American Heritage Foundation)再次授權國寶,舉辦《華工與鐵路》櫥窗展。 由孫氏家族創辦的國寶銀行,自從1984年創辦以來,已經有30多年...


23-06-01 Chinese Memorial Post 1291),在紐約市曼哈頓華埠勿街舉行遊行活動,悼念在兩次世界大戰、韓戰、越戰中,為國捐軀的將士與華人先烈。當天,多個組織參加了遊行,包括:退伍軍人之子、婦女會,華埠...


23-03-31 製作“Chinese Zodiac”十二生肖系列。有關其生平的出版物包括台灣中央電視台的專題片《林世寶的一天》(1985),以及名為《和平進行曲:林世寶的便士故事》(2002),和自傳《傳奇再現...

农历新年花车大游行 法拉盛官民共襄盛举

22-03-23 要与游行主办方——法拉盛华商会(Flushing Chinese Business Association,缩写为FCBA)带领游行队伍,在上午11点30分,从警署109分局门前集合出发。由威风凛凛坐在...


21-08-26 语言服务,其中包括:国语、粤语、西班牙语、印地语、孟加拉语和马来语等。有需要中文服务的民众,来到现场或打电话寻求帮助,只需说一声:“Chinese(音:查匿兹;意:中文)”,就会有中文工作人员提供...


21-08-05 guardianlife.com/chinese,或在Facebook、LinkedIn、Twitter和YouTube上关注我们。*恒信理财非PAS或嘉安人寿的附属机构或子公司。 嘉安人寿营销系统®是一个首选供应商系统...

911开设中文服务 警局提醒华人遇险定要报案

21-03-04 拨通后,若找中文翻译,还需要报案的人能说最少1个英语单词(如:“Chinese(中文)”、“Mandarin(普通话)”,或“Cantonese(广东话)”),警察一听到您说的话,便立即给您转到翻译连线。...

英私校财窘 中资大买伸手教界

21-03-01 他西方国家也受到了审查。大外宣 从儿童洗起批评者指出,孔子课堂使用的教育资源是宣传(中共)的证据。其中一个名为“Chinese Buddy”的油管频道,它的视频上面有一个跳舞的习近平的卡通形象。另一个受欢迎...

护身辟邪 玉保平安

21-02-01 , and status.  The Chinese character for jade depicts three pieces of jade linked by a silk thread...

济公和尚的传说/The Eccentric Adventures of Monk Ji Gong

21-01-26 is one of the most endearing and beloved folk heroes in traditional Chinese myths and legends.https...


21-01-11 ’s contribution to the founding of the Han Dynasty was paramount. Han Xin is known in Chinese...

美媒:赵立坚“播毒论” 令川普愤怒到了极点

20-10-17 中共中央外事办主任杨洁篪通电话,强烈反对中共将病毒起源嫁祸美国。随后,总统川普干脆把中共病毒叫做“中国病毒”(Chinese Virus)来标明病毒来源地。3月22日,崔天凯在接受美媒采访时表明,由外交官...

神通乞丐扫帚一扫 水墨龙成

20-10-06 也因这段佳话而声名大噪。A Beggar With Supernormal Powers Made a Painted Dragon Come AliveThere is a Chinese...


20-10-04 :黑橡树(Black Oak)、黑胡桃树(Black Walnut)、板栗树(Chinese Chestnut)、栗橡树(Chestnut Oak)、橡树(Live Oak)、北方红橡树...

Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (2 of 2)

17-01-07 was deceitful and malicious. This is the origin of the Chinese proverb "mouth full of honey...

How the US Could Win a Trade War With China

17-01-07 administration. He has threatened to slap a blanket tariff on Chinese goods, and he has spoken directly to Taiwan...

卫生违规达62项 美人气中餐馆遭停业数日

17-01-06 去年圣诞节前夕,美国佛罗里达州迈阿密地区知名中餐馆“大利餐厅”被查出高达62项食品安全违规,从而遭勒令暂时关闭,直到本月3日才重新开业。由台湾移民创办经营的大利餐厅(Tropical Chinese...

Chinese Public Prosecutor Admits ‘No Laws Against Falun Gong’

17-01-01 could find no legal basis for the campaign of prohibition and persecution against the Chinese spiritual...

Taiwan Says With Chinese Warships, Aircraft Carrier Represents a Growing Threat

17-01-01 issued a warning on Tuesday about Chinese warships, including the new Liaoning aircraft carrier...

Neither Arrogant nor Boastful – the Great General Xu Da

16-12-31 people in Chinese history became arrogant and boastful after accomplishing great things. As a result, the...

Lu Mengzheng’s View on Fates

16-12-27 Lu Mengzheng’s View on Fates In traditional Chinese culture, it is believed that a person's...

China Clamps Down on ‘Barbaric’ Insurance Sector

16-12-27 of greater concern for Chinese authorities is liquidity and cash leaving the nation’s banking system....

Be an Official for the People; Noble and Pure in Character

16-12-27 ;Light-wind-in-both-sleeves" is a Chinese phrase used to describe honest officials that only have light wind in their sleeves...

US Rate Hike Could Squeeze Chinese Issuers

16-12-17 may bring wide-ranging impacts to China’s own economy and monetary policy.The Chinese economy has...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (3 of 3)

16-12-17 the government at the age of 14, he accepted the idea of the Han Chinese officials. Hundreds of...

Rep. Rohrabacher Says Trump’s Taiwan Call Shows US Not ‘Pushovers’

16-12-12 Chinese communist regime, said Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a candidate for Secretary of State in the Trump...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (2 of 3)

16-12-12 (silver, the ancient Chinese monetary unit). Kangxi announced the policy of "no extra taxes on...

第一届大纽约中文歌唱比赛 学生秀中文 展歌喉

16-12-11 New York Metropolitan Area Intercollegiate Chinese Singing Contest),旨在提倡中文学习风气及促进大纽约地区校际交流。 学生们在平日埋首课业...


16-12-07 1点到5点。         费用:免费(无需登记)。         网站和地点等信息同上。 11、相信艺术论坛:中国舞蹈在纽约 In Arts We Trust - Chinese Dance in...

护送外卖者 拟加大惩罚法案

16-12-07 是否,有意愿加大惩罚的特别程度。问卷调查如下,截止日期是12月30日:http://nyassembly.gov/mem/Ron-Kim/story/71992    Chinese Freemason负责人...

Encourage People to be Kindhearted And to Reject Immoral Customs (1 of 2)

16-12-04 Chinese history, and presumably the most ambitious editorial enterprise in the history of the world).  Ji...

Women Continue to Face Coercion, Crippling Fines Under Two-Child Policy

16-12-04 to believe that the state-imposed birth limits are in the best interest of the Chinese people as...

China’s Growing Trade Deficit with US, Rising State and Corporate Debt: Very ‘Concerning’ Says Congressional Report

16-11-28 intellectual property.“It has become all too apparent that the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] has no intention...

送年幼子女出国留学 中国父母应知的利弊

16-11-27 的就业前景。不过,《在美国追求中国梦》(The Pursuit of the Chinese Dream in America)的作者丹尼斯.杨(Dennis Yang)表示,情况并非总是如此,在美国留学...

中共打压台湾事例网站再开启 马英九成案例

16-11-22 。9月台湾未获邀出席“国际民航组织”(ICAO)大会、世界经济论坛(WEF)表示以“Chinese Taipei”取代“Taiwan,China”为“技术性错误”、11月联合国气候变化纲要公约...

Businessman Who Aims for Little Profit Becomes an Immortal

16-11-20 said that it was difficult for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God. The ancient Chinese also...

In Conquering Hollywood, China’s Wanda Group Doesn’t Play by the Rules

16-11-20 The Chinese regime’s growing influence over Hollywood is different from the rise of any other power...


16-11-19 Chinese NESTA。2. 报名截止日期:2016年12月02日(周五)前填妥线上报名表,并将报名费支票寄至报名地址,以邮戳为凭。报名地址:Ms. Ling Tang, 404 Upham Pl. NW...


16-11-13 原  文 OriginalText 将入门,问孰存将上堂,声必扬人问谁,对以名吾与我,不分明白话文Vernacular (Modern Spoken) Chinese 即将进入门户时,要问谁在...

Credit Suisse Expands China Presence as Foreign Banks Retrench

16-11-13 count both Chinese and foreign institutional investors as clients.The Swiss Bank is ramping up its China...